Sunday, April 21, 2013

A little bit EXCITED

Another Location Wedding
Sarangani Island, Davao del Sur

I am a little bit excited about the  sunset beach wedding I will be assisting on May 1.

It will be at Sarangani Island, Davao del Sur.
I  cannot just  boast to anybody that I will be travelling again. Woohhhh, I'm not just a little bit excited, I am super excited! 

I will be preparing the white clothings, ribbons, and flowers for the ceremony. Jump off will be on April 28. Be picking up the flowers from Blooming Petals at Tupi, South Cotabato and will proceed at Gen. 

Santos Port on the 29th.

The groom, Sir Aris is a fellow wedding industry service provider. I had worked with him as our photographer in one of our December 2012 weddings. He is a teacher by profession and a part time wedding photographer and he is a nature lover too.

I am thanking him for the given privilege to be part of his wedding preparation tasks. No, I am not charging him for my services. It will be my token of appreciation for not forgetting me on his big day!

To my excitement, I painted the sunset wedding location  chuvahness on my nails.

To Sir Iris, i am looking forward on your big day! My best wishes.

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