Friday, October 18, 2013

My Bohol Trip that never Happened

My Bohol Trip 
that never Happened

I am always busy with wedding preparation commitments that resulted to cancellation of my local tours. My Central Visayas tour was already re booked twice, May and June of 2012 & 2013.

Bohol is always a summer destination to our Mindanao based Boholanos.  I always get complimentary invitations to visit Bohol. Over the past few years, it became a popular travel destination for local tours. As more and more friends recommend Bohol as a must tourist destination, I included it on my annual local tour itinerary .

Photo by: Joey Sadsad
Now that the Magnitudee 7.2 earthquake destroyed so much of Bohol attraction, I may never see how others have seen Bohol in God's blessed time.

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