Friday, October 18, 2013

Mt. Matutum Unfailing to be True

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 Mt. Matutum
Unfailing to be True

I am always fascinated by its cone shape topography since my teen age years passing along Polomolok highway. It was then virgin, unexplored, unthreatened.

Standing in the middle of vast pineapple plantation, the running pace of time  lead it to a "one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the Philippines"

Known to be the most challenging trail for mountain climbers, I allow my son to join the 2011 unity climb. He survived Mt. Matutum but got no assurance that he will climb Mt. Apo next.
Question to ponder, can I make it to Mt. Matutum son? "Sure, you made it twice at Mt. Apo, why not?"
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And the challenging time arrived for the 1st Region XII Unity Climb at Mt. Matutum.
I registered as a participant, uncertain if I will be joining the assault.

I asked three persons If I can make it to the summit and all gave me their affirmative remarks.

I said to myself, ok I will... one step at a time.
Assault to Mt. Matutum took me nine hours.

It was a sigh of another God's  embrace. Heavy rain poured enough for us to collect drinking and cooking water for the night. No water source at the summit. We were fortunate to pitched our tent where the trees on top can cover us from gentle wind that never stopped the whole night till morning. Before the clouds surround us, we got a second glimpse of the sun. Till seven in the morning no sun rose  before our eyes.

Each day give us a reason  to hope but the day at the summit was hopeless for us to see the sun.Just the mountain breeze. We called it  Mt. Matutum assault and retreat.

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