Friday, October 18, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: Mt. Matutum Unfailing to be True

lakwatserangnanay: Mt. Matutum Unfailing to be True: Add caption  Mt. Matutum Unfailing to be True I am always fascinated by its cone shape topography since my teen age years passing...

lakwatserangnanay: My Bohol Trip that never Happened

lakwatserangnanay: My Bohol Trip that never Happened: My Bohol Trip  that never Happened I am always busy with wedding preparation commitments that resulted to cancellation of my local to...

Mt. Matutum Unfailing to be True

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 Mt. Matutum
Unfailing to be True

I am always fascinated by its cone shape topography since my teen age years passing along Polomolok highway. It was then virgin, unexplored, unthreatened.

Standing in the middle of vast pineapple plantation, the running pace of time  lead it to a "one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the Philippines"

Known to be the most challenging trail for mountain climbers, I allow my son to join the 2011 unity climb. He survived Mt. Matutum but got no assurance that he will climb Mt. Apo next.
Question to ponder, can I make it to Mt. Matutum son? "Sure, you made it twice at Mt. Apo, why not?"
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And the challenging time arrived for the 1st Region XII Unity Climb at Mt. Matutum.
I registered as a participant, uncertain if I will be joining the assault.

I asked three persons If I can make it to the summit and all gave me their affirmative remarks.

I said to myself, ok I will... one step at a time.
Assault to Mt. Matutum took me nine hours.

It was a sigh of another God's  embrace. Heavy rain poured enough for us to collect drinking and cooking water for the night. No water source at the summit. We were fortunate to pitched our tent where the trees on top can cover us from gentle wind that never stopped the whole night till morning. Before the clouds surround us, we got a second glimpse of the sun. Till seven in the morning no sun rose  before our eyes.

Each day give us a reason  to hope but the day at the summit was hopeless for us to see the sun.Just the mountain breeze. We called it  Mt. Matutum assault and retreat.

My Bohol Trip that never Happened

My Bohol Trip 
that never Happened

I am always busy with wedding preparation commitments that resulted to cancellation of my local tours. My Central Visayas tour was already re booked twice, May and June of 2012 & 2013.

Bohol is always a summer destination to our Mindanao based Boholanos.  I always get complimentary invitations to visit Bohol. Over the past few years, it became a popular travel destination for local tours. As more and more friends recommend Bohol as a must tourist destination, I included it on my annual local tour itinerary .

Photo by: Joey Sadsad
Now that the Magnitudee 7.2 earthquake destroyed so much of Bohol attraction, I may never see how others have seen Bohol in God's blessed time.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: Premonition

lakwatserangnanay: Premonition: smiling faces after the climb...with Rachel Premonition:  Another Day of Reflection I had a premonition experience after the foggy da...


smiling faces after the climb...with Rachel
Another Day of Reflection

I had a premonition experience after the foggy day that I have no expectation from an activity I am joining with.

I know it was an experience of premonition but can somebody define it for me?

Saturday September 7,2013
The adventure I had was one you could have in a lifetime. It was such a great time sharing it with group of young mountaineering  professionals ,graduating students and a few free lancers. The organized activity, was  an in land adventure, hours of  river trekking water falls hopping and mountain climbing.
It was incomparable. It was a bone and muscle anatomy breakage pain. 
Although the call for feeding  was  quite delayed, the hosted dinner was superb. Eat all you can, order your drinks with free platter of roasted pig. Again what made the social night alive and kill all the body pains with  adrenaline rush was the beat from Nairud sa Wadab  reggae band.

The first song and last song rendered was Safe and Sound by Rebelution and Redemption Song by Bob Marley. I find the songs meaningful. That night, I thank the Lord for the day that I dedicated my affairs in Him with no expectations. It was a day of renewed energy.

That night I also thank the resort owner for the warm accommodation  given to us. I notify her that I will be leaving after the morning  sun rise.

Sunday September 8,2013

I worship with nature. This is my advocacy. I thank God I have my family who support my cause. As what I always say to my children " I have no hectares of land to be bequeathed but the mountains, rivers and all nature forms we can leave on... just  Respect nature"

As I tried to stand up from where I am sited, an inexplicable force was pulling my feet to stay. Still contemplating on leaving thinking my waiting children at home, my instinct to stay prevailed.

I abide with my feelings, with submission of what purpose it may serve me if i will stay.
I took pictures of the morning activity. It was fun.
When the call for time to pack things up for jump off, i bid my farewell. Of course to my nature friends... butterfly, dragon flies, smiling rocks, flock of blue birds, the water that flows ,the air I breath and the tree where I sat beside.

Despite warnings of time constraint, some still continue to enjoy the benefit of water adventure. Six were rescued while one life was taken to take proof of what force of nature can bring. 

I saw how a whirlpool hit Rachel.  Joining our hands together, we asked for His mercy.
"Lord our Creator of all things, have mercy on us. Bring her back to us, we ask for your miracle, for your forgiveness for  our shortcomings, We need her back, Have Mercy On Us! Keep your water calm.....We will abide with your Will, Have mercy on us!". 
All were in tears.

I am not a religious leader but that time calls for my command to cry for mercy.

We were made to believe that Rachell was revived at the hospital. We were all grateful before we left our camp site. On our way home, we were informed that she passed away. The happy faces on us turned into  mourning hearts.

She was the one who lead the group in prayer for our protection and safety when we started our river trek. And was the last who posted for a selfie shot at Cahatan Falls.(According to the trek swiper)
She was the first to arrive at the camp site to welcome participants and the last to use the shower room after all have finished the day end activity.(According to the resort owner)
She was the first lady I saw at the river bank when I had my morning prayer. She was the last rescued participant who was hit by the rushing flood water.

We did our prayer between 14:36  to 15:00 pm pht .

What I got from our memory of her,.. the first and the last....

As we pray together with the survivals, I told them that what happened was beyond anybody's control. It's God's will. Maybe the message was we acknowledge God's power over His creation.... water... our source of life.

Revelation 21:6
Then he told me, "It has happened! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will freely give a drink from the spring of the water of life to the one who is thirsty. 

Redemption Song
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation
Won’t you help to sing
This(not another) songs of freedom
‘Cause all I ever have:
Redemption songs;
Redemption songs.

An article stated...,

"Remember that premonitions that show a death or dying do not always mean that there will be an actual physical death.  They can also indicate an extreme change in an individuals belief system, the completion of a relationship, the loss of a career or job, or the loss of something of great meaning to the individual concerned.
There is a difference between an actual premonition of death and another.  Some are for the sole purpose of preventing a death."

How will you define it for me?

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Got No Expectations


A Foggy Friday Morning.
September 6,.2013

I Got No Expectations.

I  have been in a series of waterfalling adventure with few friends and most of the time with a company of a local guide. This time it will be with an organizer, Apo Sandawa, a mountaineering club.

I am excited but got no expectations because the adventure trek is different from my planned waterfalling in Imamaling, Magpet ( ).

As of this time, Registration is going  on. I'm already within the site.

I got no prepared...Food, Tent and Whatever....

But my bag carries the following:

    1.My outdoor clothes which my children call it "my uniform" 2pcs black leggings,
       3black shirts,bandana, jacket
    2. Warmers ( blanket, socks, mittens, head cap)
    3. Plastic sheets
    4. Water Canteen , spoon & fork, 120ml food  container, aluminum cup
    5. trekking sandal
    6. Kikay Kit ( soap, tb & tp, wet wipes, pl, towel, face powder, lipstick, eye color)
    7. First Aid Kit (liniment oil, metropolol, concentrace mineral drops, power salt)
    8. Camera

   And my heart carry this prayer;

" I have risen this morning by Thy Grace, O Lord My God, and left my home trusting wholly in Thee and committing myself to Thy Care. Send down, then, upon me, out of the heaven of Thy Mercy, a blessing from the side, and enable me to return home safety even as Thou didst enable me to set out under Thy protection with my thoughts fixed steadfastly upon Thee.

There is no other God but Thee, the One, the Incomparable, the All-Knowing, the All Wise".---Baha'u'llah.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Where water falls: List of Waterfalls in the Philippines

Where water falls: List of Waterfalls in the Philippines: Wikipedia  Philippines Waterfalls List Philippines Busay Falls Camaya Falls-3 Daranak Falls Dodiongan Falls Hinulugan Taktak Kabi...

Monday, July 22, 2013

Where water falls: Pisan & Usok Falls, Kabacan, North Cotabato

Where water falls: Pisan & Usok Falls, Kabacan, North Cotabato: Pisan & Usok Falls , Kabacan, North Cotabato A waterfall cave connection Waterfalls is defined as  a place where water flows ove...

Monday, July 15, 2013

T'nalak Festival 2013

A Partcipant of Kalilangan 2013 @ General Santos City
whom I  asked for a smile. He is wearing a Tinalak cloth.
 T'nalak Festival 2013                 An Exhibit of Cultural  Pride                                                                                                                                    T'nalak Festival   celebrates the founding  anniversary of South Cotabato Province since its formation in July 18,1966. As one of the leading provinces in Mindanao in terms of agriculture economy , it is now garnering its recognition as a tourist destination in the Island.

As a tourist destination,  annual T'nalak Festival  is a timely visit to see  its exhibit of cultural arts, peoples participation, economy and  product.

T'nalak is a woven cloth made from abaca fiber, in red , black and white weaves.

This year's T'nalak street dancing competition is scheduled on July 18. Another experience of fun in the Philippines.
 T'nalak Nail Art by: lakwatserangnanay

Sunday, June 23, 2013

My Views: Alternative Medicine

My Views: Alternative Medicine: After  meeting an Albularyang MD Complaint:   Sleepless nights, palpitation,  numbness in shoulder, feet, till recently at the head. ...

Friday, June 21, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: Edmaration etc. Visits Camp Bongolanon

lakwatserangnanay: Edmaration etc. Visits Camp Bongolanon: Edmaration etc. 934 likes · 18 talking about this About Edmaration #TownExplorer Description The one-day town explorer. How far can I go in...

Edmaration etc. Visits Camp Bongolanon

Edmaration etc.934 likes · 18 talking about this
Edmaration #TownExplorer
DescriptionThe one-day town explorer. How far can I go in 1 day? 1,500+ towns in the Philippines, that's my mission! Watch out!

"How are you guys? I just hope I can post photos now but I can't seem to find a reliable internet connection here. Will visit a cave tomorrow in the town on #Kabacan, North Cotabato, Philippines. I am so excited for this. There are 3 caves according to the residents of this town and waterfalls too. then a cool natural lagoon with bluish water, plus a subterranean spring and ohh.. edible cave bats, I have just tasted those bats yesterday, tomorrow, I am going to see how they look like 


the biggest mango fruit I have ever seen all my life is as large as my head. I found it in Mindanao, a lovely island teaming with great resources and diverse people. im so excited to post photos and share my stories. but for now ill savor first the mindanao countryside. my mindanao stories is now on the long queue of backlogs. well i will eat the giant mango later. i can only describe it on words for now. no photos yet due unreliable internet connection in this far away barrio where i am staying and im loving the sweet escape. feels like im hiding from the noise of the city 

When I started travelling, I was at the peak of my wedding business activities. That was also the time I read travel reviews and fallow bloggers. I find my passion reading personal blogs that practically describe their travels with sense of advocacy. Few became my friends on FB. I Like and Share their pages. Most of the time i just read the links and read comments.
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Till I finally met Edmaration etc.. I call him my Mr. Vigan blogger, his hometown.
I was grateful when he accepted my invitation to be his Makilala, Magpet, Kidapawan tour host. It was also very timely that the construction of my Kidapawan Homestay  for Backpackers is ready for occupancy. Proud to say he is our first guest.

Just one of Kidapawan's attraction where the sun perfectly rise.

Mr. Vigan with my son Mhalik @ New Israel EcoToursm Park
where the 2.2km  ZipLine ( The longest in Asia) can be experienced

my token of appreciation
one thing we have in common, we love coffee.

Monday, June 10, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: Refelction: The BE GLAD Principle

lakwatserangnanay: Refelction: The BE GLAD Principle:          B - Belief System          E - Enthusiasm          G - Gratitude          L - Law of Attraction          A - Allow ...

Refelction: The BE GLAD Principle

         B - Belief System
         E - Enthusiasm
         G - Gratitude
         L - Law of Attraction
         A - Allow
         D -Don't Complain

Everyday  as we wake up and turn each morning as a new day, we Pray. We pray thanking the Lord for the blessings coming our way. God hears our prayers, grant us our wishes, does keep us hoping. Everyday it happens, and everyday is a new day. This s our Belief System.

Enthusiasm. Our burning desire to get what we wanted, or to have what we need? As we believe God will provide, our desire turns into reality, we just act accordingly. Doing good things not just for ourselves but first for others.

Gratitude. Thank you is the magic word and a smile in your heart will be carried on in your face. Thank you for the sun, the air, water, family, friends, food, etc....Thank you 
for everything .

The law of attraction is true. Be positive to keep good things  to happen. Don't condemn just forgive. Negative turns into positive thoughts if we keep looking at the good sides of life.

Allow. Many things happen  in this world beyond  our control. Problems are trials, and trials are our ladder to achieving our goals. When we allow things to happen, we do not blame anybody for  our misfortunes.When we allow thing we do not want, we face it with solutions, alternatives, and options.

Don't Complain  Happy people don't complain. They are always glad.“The apprehension of this blessed truth (God's faithfulness) will check our murmurings. The Lord knows what is best for each of us, and one effect or resting on this truth will be the silencing of our petulant complainings. God is greatly honored when, under trial and chastening, we have good thoughts of Him, vindicate His wisdom and justice, and recognize His love in His very rebukes.” 
― Arthur Walkington Pink

Saturday, June 8, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: The Grand Mosque, Cotabato CityPhilippines' Mast...

The Grand Mosque, Cotabato City
Philippines' Mast...
: The Grand Mosque , Cotabato City Philippines' Masterpiece of Islamic Architecture         After our Advance Iridology cours...

As the Sun Rise...

The Grand Mosque, Cotabato City
Philippines' Masterpiece of Islamic Architecture

        After our Advance Iridology course at Cotabato City, I arranged an early sun chasing day at the Grand Mosque also known as the Sultan Hassal Bolkiah Masjid. The biggest  Islamic worship center in the Philippines and can accommodate 15,000 people.

        Arriving Inawan village in the early morning of May 30, we were greeted by its key keeper with utmost kindness. Surprised by our early visit, I explained that i want to experience sunrise at the Grand Mosque. Before our tour, we had a coffee time together .

We are company of five, 3 Muslims, 1 Christian and a Bahai'  with different  religious practices with only one God we believe in.  Our two companion did their "Sembahyang" (Sembahyang (solat) hajat' (meaning wish) is one that a Muslims generally perform to seek Allah's forgiveness, guidance, assistance. ). Being non-Muslim and as a show of respect the two of us also wear " kumbong" (hijab, a headscarf worn by Muslim women).

       The Grand Mosque is open for public tourr except on worship hours and holy days.Regular worship day is Friday. It is being promoted as one of Cotabato City's tourist destination. Going there is safe, day tour is preferred. You take a jeep via Awang and drop by at Husky Bus terminal,  motorcycles vehicle awaits passengers going to Inawan. Fare is 25PhP. National Highway to Inawan is 8km. It is best to  charter motorbike if you don't have your private vehicle.


We know that this is a rare opportunity to anybody who don't have the courage to set foot at this Sacred place because of negative publicity on peace and order of the city. For our Muslim brothers who accommodated our  tour, I did see in their faces that they are proud and overwhelmed  that we came to see its grandeur. They are very grateful of  Brunei King, Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah and former Maguindanao Rep. Digs Dilangalen who made this Holy Place possible as a new destination for Spiritual  Renewal.

After an hour tour, we bid our thanks and goodbyes'. Asking for their contact names that cannot be easily recalled, they jokily said " just call me the Grand Mosque".

Heading national highway, we pass by a military check point half barricaded road with a standing signage saying "SUKRAN"  meaning, Thank You for coming.

At the Grand Mosque of Cotabato City, I saw the Sun rise, I felt renewed. God granted me this opportunity.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: Sarangani Island, Davao Del SurMay to Rememberthe...

lakwatserangnanay: Sarangani Island, Davao Del SurMay to Remember
: Sarangani Island, Davao Del Sur May to Remember the wedding , the sun the islands, Sarangani, Balut & Laniban the beach, the wave...
Sarangani Island, Davao Del Sur
May to Remember
the wedding , the sun
the islands, Sarangani, Balut & Laniban
the beach, the waves, 
and the people

      Panes -Potestas

         As a wedding coordinator, 
          this will be forever my accomplishment.
          It was such a stress free wedding, 
          and full of God's presence. 
          It was originally planned as a sunset wedding 
         when later it was realized 
         that sunrise is more ideal.

       I got 50 doz roses of assorted  colors for the big day. The challenge was to keep it lovely after a lot of freight handling and long day travel. Humid air worried me.I am hesitant to hydrate its petals since I do not know what will be the effect  of a deep well  water from a near sea shore on its blooming phase. All I did was pray, and ask for few rain drops from above.

At dawn of May 2, i started setting up the arranged flowers at the aisles and  God did really sprinkled it with His love.

         Keeping my little prayer as I rush myself checking everybody ready for sunrise pictorial, all I can hear is the waaws from the giggling flower girls excited about the wedding at the beach.

         During the wedding ceremony, our witnesses and entourage sit at the logs arranged in rows  by the groom the day before the wedding. What a perfect collaboration of our  imagination. No words from both of us, we just  drag anything around. Everything cropped up naturally in silence. One thing I'm sure of was we are both praying for the Big Day. 
(Mind you, those logs were sent from the last devastating typhoon Pablo.)

I owe God for the perfect shade of the sky to free our shots from light exposure.

He sent us  the perfect sea breeze as the ceremony was officiated.

 It was God's Perfect time for Aries and Marivic to be united as one in His Glory!

The islands

The three islands of Balut, Sarangani and Laniban  marked another contemporary history I can share to my fellow Mindanaowan.

Balut Island is the central municipality of Sarangani, Davao del Sur facing Celebes Sea. The island itself is a volcano. According to its people, there was no record and actual witness of eruption. Old folks believe that its crater is under the sea. As they recall, there where times when big tidal waves and sulfur fumes surrounds the air.

Sarangani Island (meaning: nearness to adjacent island).The home of  the Layang family, an Indonesian- Filipino descendants raised in peace and self giving values once own the vast land cultivated with coconuts ...,
the oldest wild pig in the land

to include...

Laniban Island, conquered by the De Arce Family during the Spanish dominion in the Philippines and was allegedly  later sold to the Rivera family from General Santos City.

Estimated to have 2000 standing coconut trees, the old Layang, 83 years old , recalled that near the Light house in the island, a collection of stone or anything brought to the island by visitors are gathered there as gesture of respect to his late Indonesian father.It became the  grave for his parents that is still  apparent as I went around the island.

I do not know what is the legal basis of the current owner of Laniban Island holds on, but to the Layang family, I believe they were deprived of the opportunity to claim the island as their ancestral domain.

Laniban is exclusive to its tenants  and its owner. As I witnessed, 2 household around the island. The Layang family and its guests were allowed to land with the company of the great old man, LoLo.

The people

The people speak Indonesian, i am not sure if they understand me fluently in Visayan and Tagalog dialect. Children love to sing... indonesian songs and christian worship songs. Amazingly, they can sing "Pusong Bato" masterly.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: Travel Tips & Spices (5)

lakwatserangnanay: Travel Tips & Spices (5): Travel Tips & Spices My El Nido Palawan Experience Always catch the Sun  When doing your travel itinerary, always consider going out ...

lakwatserangnanay: A little bit EXCITED

lakwatserangnanay: A little bit EXCITED: Another Location Wedding Sarangani Island, Davao del Sur I am a little bit excited about the  sunset beach wedding I will be assisting...

A little bit EXCITED

Another Location Wedding
Sarangani Island, Davao del Sur

I am a little bit excited about the  sunset beach wedding I will be assisting on May 1.

It will be at Sarangani Island, Davao del Sur.
I  cannot just  boast to anybody that I will be travelling again. Woohhhh, I'm not just a little bit excited, I am super excited! 

I will be preparing the white clothings, ribbons, and flowers for the ceremony. Jump off will be on April 28. Be picking up the flowers from Blooming Petals at Tupi, South Cotabato and will proceed at Gen. 

Santos Port on the 29th.

The groom, Sir Aris is a fellow wedding industry service provider. I had worked with him as our photographer in one of our December 2012 weddings. He is a teacher by profession and a part time wedding photographer and he is a nature lover too.

I am thanking him for the given privilege to be part of his wedding preparation tasks. No, I am not charging him for my services. It will be my token of appreciation for not forgetting me on his big day!

To my excitement, I painted the sunset wedding location  chuvahness on my nails.

To Sir Iris, i am looking forward on your big day! My best wishes.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Where water falls: Mainit Falls, South Palawan

Where water falls: Mainit Falls, South Palawan: Mainit Falls Brookes Point, Palawan No, it's not hot. It is the name of the place, Barangay Maiinit. I considered this trip an...

Where water falls: Dunsulan Falls, Bataan

Where water falls: Dunsulan Falls, Bataan: Dunsulan Falls , Mt. Samat, Pilar, Bataan "Bawal Maligo, Delikado" Wading is always exciting in low falls. But at Dunsulan Fal...

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

lakwatserangnanay: Reflection:

lakwatserangnanay: Reflection:: Visiting an Old Family Friend the Aquiatan Family When I first came to Kidapawan City for my first regular employment job, we were acc...


Visiting an Old Family Friend
the Aquiatan Family

When I first came to Kidapawan City for my first regular employment job, we were accommodated by the  Aquiatan Family. They let us stay in their house for a week for free. The head of the family Manong Anito ( a Boholano folk) and Manang Gloria an Ilocana,. they have 7 children all became my family friend. One of their son became my office mate.

When I became self -employed, i ventured in baking cookies. Starting from nothing, Manang Gloria who bakes banana cake everyday for her living shared the use of her oven to me. Later, I was able to buy my own oven. It was  my dad's favorite oatmeal cookies.  When I started my balloon arrangement business, i handed my oven to a family friend who's daughter graduated from a food technology course.

I became busy with my business when I extended my services in the wedding industry. I got no time to attend family gatherings. When I realized that I am already physically and mentally exhausted with my work, I started accepting few wedding commitments until finally I am willing to stop my business operation.

Searching for treatment for my health problem, I was blessed with a very effective and affordable natural product formulated by Dr. Chanita Villegas Chua. Feeling energized and freed from stress I started to share the product to my friends. Until  I met Manang Gloria's daughter exchanging "no time no see" greetings.
I was told that her mother suffered stroke and got half paralyzed.

The following day, i pay her a visit. I shared the product and give her a massage therapy on her face. Her daughter reminded me that they have no money to pay me for the massage. I told her that it was for free and they don't need to pay me.

Manang Gloria is now 67 years old. In her early years, her Banana cake and Bitso-bitso (fried sticky rice with syrup) were a popular  recess food  along Notre Dame of Kidapawan College- Elementary and High School gate sidewalk.

I thank God for giving me an opportunity to share my precious time to an old family friend who gave me the comfort of their shelter when I came to Kidapawan as stranger. I thank God for the free time I now enjoy.

Friday, March 22, 2013

My Views: A Day at the Royal House

My Views: A Day at the Royal House: A simple life at peace When the first breaking news of the Sabah stand-off flashed on the internet, my sympathy  is for the family of ...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Lenten Destinations

Great Mountains

Mountains are always preferred destinations by nature lovers and adventurers during Lenten season. To some, it became their annual penance in observing Holy Week. for non catholics, they took advantage of the red dates to schedule their trips and do it for fun.

In the Phlippines, Mt. Apo in Cotabato and Mt. Pulag in Benguet are the famous Lenten destinations.Thousand climbers flock at camp sites. Foot traffic along narrow trails that will stop ones walking momentum that delays arrival time. Colorful backpacks in rows.
Trekking by the hundreds, with different thoughts of sincerity, eagerness, and devotion.

Mt. Apo, the "Sacred Ground" for the tribal settlers while "Playground of the Gods" for Mt. Pulag natives. For every climbers, what? Only individual climbers can tell.

For me, It is Gods' perfect place to commune with Him.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cancelled Twice

Trip to TawiTawi March 14 - 18 2013, Cancelled
Trip to Aklan March 19- 23, Cancelled.

The first cancelled trip is more frustrating than the second one.

If I did pursue my Tawi-Tawi trip, I can cover the" repatriation" of our fellow Filipinos from Sabah. If I did, it could be historical for me.The trip was cancelled in the mercy of my travel agent,  they don't want me to pursue my tour trip in Tawi- Tawi. Anyhow, I got my second booking on October  this year.

The second cancellation , I have to decide. My son is graduating in elementary. It will be a family occasion.

I got a lot of opportunity today after all these cancellation.

But another opportunity I will be missing for the second time, my Mt. Matutum climb.
A friend mountaineer set his wedding at the peak of  Mt. Matutum, it was supposedly  historical for me as a wedding coordinator. I failed, and attended a funeral wake instead. After Aklan cancellation, I submitted  my intent to join the annual tree plating but an invitation for a course in iridology is set on the same day. Another conflict in schedule.

Well for a well planned trip, cancellation is  unexceptional.